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What Is A Values Worksheet?

The values worksheet is a supplementary tool used within therapy to help clients identify, recognize, and prioritize values that are most important to them. These worksheets can aid in personal development, and help clients flourish across various areas of their lives including within their career, social, and personal relationships. Individuals can reflect on their core values, and make more informed decisions by knowing exactly where their priorities lay. As a result, these worksheets are typically employed by mental health care practitioners and well-being specialists who are working with clients to better understand what motivates them in life, and how they make decisions that align with their personal values. With an intuitive design, healthcare professionals can utilize this worksheet, regardless of the number of clients they are seeing or how many years they have been in the mental healthcare space. Keep on reading to better understand how to effectively utilize these worksheets to their fullest potential.

How To Use This Values Worksheet

For the best results in using the values worksheets, review the following steps. There are only three, and they are simple to follow!

Step 1: Download the values worksheet PDF

Click the links on this page to download the values worksheet. It should only take a few seconds, and it's free! The worksheet should open automatically within your designated PDF reader, and you can get started on editing and distributing right away.

Step 2: Hand the worksheet over to your client

Next, you'll then need to complete the worksheet with your client. Ideally, this is within your appointment session, so you can better understand the client's thought process and helps support them if they need it. Alternatively, you can assign the worksheet as homework, or send it to the client electronically for them to complete on their own terms.

Step 3: Store the worksheet securely

Once the worksheet is complete, you'll then need to store it within a secure HIPAA-compliant platform in order to safeguard patient information. These worksheets contain highly sensitive information, so make sure that you are protecting client confidentiality at all times. In most cases, clients will simply take the worksheet home.

Values Worksheet Example (Sample)

If you'd like to view what a values worksheet looks like in action, then feel free to check out the links on this page. We have created a blank values worksheet that you can integrate within your practice right away, or alternatively, you can view an example of a fictitious case. This is what a value sheet may look like with all questions answered, so you can expect a similar level and quality of information from your clients. They are free, and only take a few seconds to download.

Download this Values Worksheet Example (Sample) here: 

Values Worksheet Example (Sample)

Who Can Use these Printable Values Worksheets (PDF)?

Value worksheets are a highly versatile tool, and therefore, they can be used by a variety of mental health practitioners. Quite simply, if you are working with a client and wish to help them identify their core beliefs, and what motivates them in their life, then look no further. These values worksheets are essential for gaining richer insight into what values are important to clients, and what can help them alleviate mental health challenges and concerns. Identifying and recognizing values can help clients make more informed decisions that result in higher results as well as a more positive and healthy lifestyle. If you wish to facilitate this, then consider our value worksheets. There are many healthcare practitioners who can use these to boost the quality of services they provide, and supplement the therapy sessions, including the following:

-   Psychologists

-   Therapists

-   Psychotherapist

-   Counselors

-   Life coaches

-   Social workers

-   Youth workers

Why Is This Form Useful For Therapists?

Values worksheets have various practical uses for therapists and those in the mental healthcare industry. It's important that you take note of them, especially if you're on the fence about their purpose.

  • Identify personal values - As the worksheets’ name suggests, they are extremely vital in helping clients recognize and identify personal values. They can have a greater grasp of how values connect to actions, and how they can influence decision-making. By identifying personal values, clients can work towards catered treatment that directly addresses their mental health concerns at hand.
  • Streamline business processes - While we assume that your main goal in healthcare is to assess and treat the needs of patients, you need to remember that at the end of the day, you are running a business. Any opportunity to improve efficiency and smoothen productivity is always a welcome one, which is why we recommend these value worksheets to streamline business processes. Simplify your workload and save time, as you don't need to do any additional research.
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Benefits of Values Worksheet Template

Don't forget about the numerous benefits! Value worksheets can enhance the quality of your practice in ways beyond the obvious.

Set effective goals

Identifying values is a great way for clients to discover what motivates them in life, as well as what they want to achieve in both the short term and the long term. With these worksheets, you can work towards establishing goals that align with the specific values of clients, and integrate these goals within the treatment. Help clients accomplish personal objectives in a much shorter time frame.

Guide decision-making

There are many times in life when clients feel that they are making the wrong choices, and many do not understand why. However, with these value worksheets, you can help clients acknowledge mistakes by highlighting misalignments of actions and values. Wrong decisions are often a result of mismatched ideals and behaviors, with this value worksheet serving as a correcting tool to help clients make decisions that are true to what they believe every time. Life should be lived authentically, and this worksheet emphasizes this philosophy.

Promote personal growth

Of course, understanding what is important in your life is a great way to grow and develop for the better. If clients can recognize the core beliefs and ideals that shape their behavior and well-being, then they can work towards implementing actions with the intention to achieve personal and rewarding goals. Clients can start incorporating little changes, and have greater clarity when it comes to the direction of their future.

Reduce stress

Identifying values can provide clients with a greater sense of purpose, meaning, it's no wonder that clients who struggle on this front typically have higher stress levels. It's not uncommon for clients to feel lost in their lives every now and then, and sometimes working on their values can provide greater clarity and reduced stress. Clients can develop greater meaning and fulfillment within their lives and know exactly what they are working towards, which can combat stress and anxiety levels that may be beating them down.

Strengthen professional relationships

Discussing what clients value is a great way to get to know your patients on a deeper level, without feeling confrontational or invasive. You can work towards building trust and support, acknowledging what the client lives for, and working towards a treatment that encompasses their specific values. It's a great way to individualize and personalize therapy, as opposed to treating your client like a number.

Commonly asked questions

Why Use Carepatron For Values Worksheet Software?

Carepatron is one of the leading practice management software options out there for you to effectively run your healthcare business. Used by over 10,000 healthcare professionals worldwide, Carepatron’s base level comes at no cost, and it's super intuitive to use. Even if you have never used a healthcare platform before, don't worry! Carepatron can be used by practitioners of all ages and of all varying technical skills and works towards streamlining your business processes so you can increase efficiency and boost the quality of your services.

With Carepatron, you can support your business through more accurate online payment systems, appointment booking and scheduling for optimized calendars, as well as video consultation and messaging services if you wish to carry out services from the comfort of your own home. With 24/7 customer support, you can have any queries answered at any time, with HIPAA-compliant regulations protecting your client details at all times. Have full confidence in the privacy of your services, while reducing administrative tasks and ensuring the longevity of your practice.

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